GBP v AUD June 2013
The value of the British Pound at the moment is appearing to be very good in the eyes of many, especially those that are new to watching this particular currency comparison. The next two graphs though...
View ArticleReserve Bank of Australia Cash Rate September 2013
3rd September 2013 At its meeting today, the Board decided to keep the cash rate unchanged at 2.5 per cent. Other Key Information from the Cash rate: 2.50% [effective 3...
View ArticleThe UK’s 21st century Brain Drain
According to the Office for National Statistics, the number of British citizens who moved overseas in 2012 was 154,000. This is up from about 149,000 in 2011 year. OECD figures show that 1.28 million...
View ArticleChanges to the British State Pension 2016
The government has proposed to introduce a flat rate (single-tier) State Pension from April 2016 and raise the State Pension age from 66 to 67 gradually between 2026 and 2028. Parliament will have to...
View ArticleTop 25 World Beaches in 2014 – UK and Australia take FOUR places
In the Tripadvisor list of the top 25 beaches in the World for 2014, Australia and the UK took FOUR of the 25 places. These positions were: 5: Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Islands, Queensland,...
View ArticleDrink Driving on the Gold Coast July 2014
Police pleased drivers seem to be getting the message about drink driving – Gold Coast A weekend traffic operation on the Gold Coast (July 20-21) codenamed Blue Strike, saw 3,416 breath tests with only...
View Article£100,000 Unclaimed Premium Bond prize for Australian Resident
£100,000 Unclaimed Premium Bond prize for Australian Resident A Premium Bond prize of £100,000 that has been unclaimed for seven years belongs to a winner who was last listed as living in Australia....
View ArticlePoverty Line in Australia now $43,711 per year for Household
Poverty Line in Australia now $43,711 per year for couple with 2 children. From the Australian Bureau of Statistics figures for 2012: To be considered “below the poverty line”, the incomes must be...
View ArticleBBC looking for expat British families for brand new pilot game show.
BBC looking for expat British families for brand new pilot game show. My name is Sam and I am a television researcher for 12 Yard Productions. I know it is a bit of an obscure ask but I am on the look...
View ArticleCadbury Diary Milk with VEGEMITE
Cadbury Dairy Milk Vegemite Block Cadbury Diary Milk with VEGEMITE block contains Dairy Milk milk chocolate with smooth flowing caramel and VEGEMITE. My first thought was: Was it April the 1st ??? The...
View ArticleThe National Lottery: 5 Star Family Reunion
BBC One: The National Lottery: 5 Star Family Reunion If your family live in both the UK and America, Jamaica, New Zealand, Canada, India or Australia, and you want to be in with a chance of winning an...
View ArticleFrozen British Pensions
How do Frozen British Pensions Affect You? With the EU referendum coming up in the UK soon, there is talk about how bad it will be for UK pensioners, living overseas, who will lose the annual Pension...
View ArticleBritish Expat Pensioners in Australia returning to UK
Rise in British Expat Pensioners in Australia returning to UK A news story about British Expat pensioners in Australia having to return home to the UK because they can’t afford health care is in a...
View ArticleBrexit and the GBP – AUD
The AUD to the GBP after Brexit. The British pound dropped to just 1.83 AUD for every Pound immediately after the exit vote was confirmed. However, the rate has risen slightly to 1.85 AUD to the GBP...
View ArticleI am British and I Voted REMAIN
Copied from a comment on ABCDiamond I am British and I Voted REMAIN Those that voted LEAVE, mainly the older English people, but also about 30% of the young and 30% of the Muslims and Asians and other...
View ArticleTop 25 World Beaches in 2014 – UK and Australia take FOUR places
In the Tripadvisor list of the top 25 beaches in the World for 2014, Australia and the UK took FOUR of the 25 places. These positions were: 5: Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Islands, Queensland,...
View ArticleChanges to the British State Pension 2016
The government has proposed to introduce a flat rate (single-tier) State Pension from April 2016 and raise the State Pension age from 66 to 67 gradually between 2026 and 2028. Parliament will have to...
View ArticleGBP Rising in Value against AUD again
The Pound is standing at a value of 1.75 Australian Dollars, still low compared to pre Brexit, but better than the low it reached of about 1.55 last year. With CBI figures showing that 41 per cent of...
View Article£100,000 Unclaimed Premium Bond prize for Australian Resident
£100,000 Unclaimed Premium Bond prize for Australian Resident A Premium Bond prize of £100,000 that has been unclaimed for seven years belongs to a winner who was last listed as living in Australia....
View ArticlePoverty Line in Australia now $43,711 per year for Household
Poverty Line in Australia now $43,711 per year for couple with 2 children. From the Australian Bureau of Statistics figures for 2012: To be considered “below the poverty line”, the incomes must be...
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